My style is full of history and references coming from many different periods. I like emblematic interiors, full of archetypical furniture which one could consider ‘New or Cool Classical.

This ranges from Neoclassical to the 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, 60’s etc. The decors are never literal or featuring typical period rooms, but eclectic and very architectural, with mixed influences, and always focusing on the highest level of quality possible.
“I don’t do pure contemporary as in my mind it has no soul. I need to have history in my work!”
Jean-Louis Deniot

Even though he is capable of designing in any style, be it the French Directoire period or contemporary, Jean-Louis Deniot’s personal preference veers towards a neoclassical style purified in the spirit of Jean Michel Frank.
His adamant rigor allows him to emphasize the architecture in process, his main priority, and to create
a defined framework which is often strewn with the important names in 20th century decorative art. His designs, like the designer himself, reflect his own image of elegance and rigor, embellished with references to the past.

Discover the incredible universe of Jean-Louis Deniot