How to resist the irresistible? This is the question that Ulysses asks himself when the enchanting sirens with melancholic songs invite him to join them. But this is also the question you will certainly ask yourself when contemplating this magnificent Odyssey armchair. A creation whose sides are dressed in a precious golden velvet “cosmos amber” contrasting with a seat surrounded by a false plain “baltic pepper” of natural inspiration. Two fabrics created by Lelièvre, carefully selected by Fabrice Juan.
The epic has only just begun

Oscar Wilde said,
” I can resist everything except temptation “
Odyssey is a captivating piece that can be admired and contemplated. An enigmatic armchair that combines geometric forms and seventies-inspired curves to welcome you in complete relaxation. By now you have understood, there is no point in resisting… the pleasure is to succumb.
Technical specifications
Dimensions: Width: 80cm Depth: 93cm Height: 66cm
Seat Depth: 65cm